Based on the theory of the radiation transfer and some physical approximation techniques, a numerical climatological method for the radiation budget in the troposphere over China is proposed. 本文根据辐射传输理论和某些物理近似,提出一个计算对流层大气辐射平衡的半经验半理论的气候学方法。
CONCLUSION: ① As for the physical culture construction, the government does not pay more attention, budget devotion is shortage, and the guidance strength is not strong. 结论:①农村体育文化建设政府重视程度不够,经费投入不足,指导力量不强。
As a technologic tool for improving the quality of decision-making, SEA is to screen, scope and forecast and evaluate environmental impact of strategies, and focus on the physical environment under given time and budget limit. SEA是以提高战略决策质量为目标的技术辅助工具,以标准化的程序方法模式来进行决策的环境影响识别、预测和评价,以物理环境的技术研究为侧重。